@article{Johnson_2023, title={Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Air Pollutants in Jiangsu Province, China}, volume={6}, url={https://oiccpress.com/anthropogenic-pollution/article/spatial-and-temporal-analysis-of-air-pollutants-in-jiangsu-province-china/}, DOI={10.22034/ap.2022.1943235.1122}, abstractNote={Air pollution in China is a recurring issue and requires continuous attention and rigorous action. This research aims to study the standard air pollutants and air quality index in the Jiangsu province of China. The present study will complement the existing understanding on the distribution of criteria air pollutants in different cities of Jiangsu province and its seasonal variation. Spatial analysis indicated Xuzhou city in the northern part of the province to have high average values of particulate matter (PM2.5: 63.4 µg/m3, PM10: 115.4 µg/m3), sulphur dioxide (30 µg/m3), carbon monoxide (1.18 mg/m3), and air quality index (102.5). The air quality index showed a strong positive correlation with particulate matter in most cities in the province. All primary pollutant concentrations and air quality index were higher during winter, whereas ozone in summer. From temporal analysis it was evident that particulate matter, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and air quality index reached maximum during January, and nitrogen dioxide and ozone during December and June, respectively. All air pollutant concentrations and air quality index from 2014 to 2018 were on a decreasing trend, except for urban ozone, which increased by 9.6 %.}, number={1}, journal={Anthropogenic Pollution}, publisher={OICC Press}, author={Johnson, Anbu Clemensis}, year={2023}, month={Nov.}, keywords={Air quality index, Data Analysis, Ozone, Primary pollutants, Spearmans correlation coefficient} }