@article{Hashemian_2023, title={Assessment of a spatial multi-criteria evaluation to site selection suitable area for industries in the Ardabil County, Iran}, volume={6}, url={https://oiccpress.com/anthropogenic-pollution/article/assessment-of-a-spatial-multi-criteria-evaluation-to-site-selection-suitable-area-for-industries-in-the-ardabil-county-iran/}, DOI={10.22034/ap.2022.1910400.1079}, abstractNote={The present studies deal with the issue of selecting a site for industries in Ardebil city using the concepts of Spatial Multi Criteria Evaluation (SMCE) and also methods for supporting the DSS decision making processes that are used to select appropriate space(s) for industrial development. In this direction we have been inspired by SMCE model that has recently been developed into ILWIS software in the form of an non-compensational methods taking the objective and spatial priorities of decision makers into account. Also, in the present research processes of the issue of selecting suitable sites for industrial development of Ardebil city, Province Center, has been studied. On the basis of different development objectives existing and available fundamental information including different kinds of maps (gradient, making use of lands, geology, crevasse dispersion, earthquake, etc.), descriptive information in the from of tables, and also the region’ s social and economical indexes that are used for modeling the spatial selection, were gathered and put into operation. In case of this study, decision making framework and planning have been developed. In the first phase of Spatial Multi Criteria Evaluation potential sites ( plan for selecting the solutions) are determined and studied, and in the second phase, using economical, social, and technical characteristics, cites with required relations are evaluated for final selection( selecting the options).}, number={1}, journal={Anthropogenic Pollution}, publisher={OICC Press}, author={Hashemian, Farhad}, year={2023}, month={Nov.}, keywords={ILWIS, Site Selection, Spatial multi criteria evaluation, Technical development} }