@article{Ghelichkhani_Hosseini_Komleh_Siadatan_2024, title={Design of Binary-to-Quaternary Converters based on CNTFET Transistors}, volume={18}, url={https://oiccpress.com/Majlesi-Journal-of-Electrical-Engineering/article/design-of-binary-to-quaternary-converters-based-on-cntfet-transistors/}, DOI={10.30486/mjee.2023.1987201.1150}, abstractNote={In order to connect two binary and quaternary systems, it is necessary to use binary-to-quaternary (B2Q) and quaternary-to-binary (Q2B) converters. These converters convert numbers from logic 2 to 4 and vice versa.  In this paper, we designed a new binary-to-quaternary converter circuit using CNT transistors. In this circuit, the Power Delay Product (PDP) has been reduced to14.59% and 15.39% compared to best previous works. Also, this circuit has better driving ability and temperature stability than best previous works. The simulation results using Stanford’s 32 nm CNTFET model in HSPICE software are at a voltage of 0.9 V.  }, number={1}, journal={Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering}, publisher={OICC Press}, author={Ghelichkhani, Maryam and Hosseini, Seied Ali and Komleh, Seyyed Hossein Pishgar and Siadatan, Alireza}, year={2024}, month={Apr.}, keywords={CNTFET, Multi-Level Circuit, B2Q Converter, Mixed Radix System} }