@article{Robust power system stabilizer design with H∞ theory_2024, volume={1}, url={https://oiccpress.com/Majlesi-Journal-of-Electrical-Engineering/article/robust-power-system-stabilizer-design-with-h%e2%88%9e-theory/}, DOI={10.1234/mjee.v1i1.66}, abstractNote={In this paper, the H∞ robust control technique is presented to design a power system stabilizer. First, the H∞ standard problem is expressed and then, the modeling and stability analysis of power systems are studied. Finally, a H∞ power system stabilizer is designed and the simulation results are discussed.}, number={1}, journal={Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering}, publisher={OICC Press}, year={2024}, month={Feb.}, keywords={Uncertainty, Robust Control, Robust stability, Power System Stabilizer, Robust performance} }