@article{Salehpour_2024, title={A New Method Against DoS Attacks of EAP Frames in IEEE802.11i}, volume={2}, url={https://oiccpress.com/Majlesi-Journal-of-Electrical-Engineering/article/a-new-method-against-dos-attacks-of-eap-frames-in-ieee802-11i/}, DOI={10.1234/mjee.v2i4.138}, abstractNote={IEEE 802.11i Sandard have good privacy, integrity and authentication and good management key. However this standard dos not really mention about accessability and protection of management and control frame, so it is vulnerable again DoS attacks and allow a hacker to play different attacks. One type of this threat is due to EAP fames which make heavy traffic on network, and cause blocking server or legal user. In this paper we review attacks due these frames,  and we present good way to deal with these attacks.}, number={4}, journal={Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering}, publisher={OICC Press}, author={Salehpour, Akram}, year={2024}, month={Feb.}, keywords={IEEE 802.11i, Information security, Encryption, DoS attack, EAP Frames} }