@article{Nejad_Mosleh_2024, title={A Review on QCA Multiplexer Designs}, volume={11}, url={https://oiccpress.com/Majlesi-Journal-of-Electrical-Engineering/article/a-review-on-qca-multiplexer-designs/}, abstractNote={Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA), is a contemporary nanotechnology for manufacturing logical circuits which brings less power consumption, smaller circuit size, and faster operation. In this technology, logical gates are composed of nano-scale basic components called cells. Each cell consists of four quantum-dot arranged in a square pattern. Diagonal arrangement of two extra electrons resembles two logical states 0 and 1. Majority gate and inverter gate are considered as the two most fundamental building blocks of QCA. The effect of cells on their neighbor cells enables designing more diverse circuits. Multiplexer is a key component in most computer circuits. Researchers have presented various QCA designs for multiplexers since the introduction of QCA. In this research all presented designs are simulated in QCA Designer Version 2.0.3 and investigated from different aspects such as number of cells, size, types of components used in circuit, number of layers, and number of cycles for producing output.}, number={2}, journal={Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering}, publisher={OICC Press}, author={Nejad, Mohsen Yoosefi and Mosleh, Mohammad}, year={2024}, month={Feb.}, keywords={QCA, Mltiplexer, MUX, Quantum-dot cellular Automata. Majority gate, Simulation} }